Residential Lock & Locksmith in Brandon, FL - Brandon FL Locksmith Store


Brandon FL Locksmith Store truly appreciates being part of the Brandon, FL community. We want to see it be a safe place to work and raise a family just like everyone else does. One way we contribute towards that goal is by offering 24-hour service to anyone in the immediate vicinity who requires it. We prepare our mobile response vans with all of the tools our locksmiths need to complete any type of service that you request. Whether this is changing locks for commercial homes, handling broken key extraction, or another service, we promise to do it well.

Broken Locks

No one plans to come home to a jammed or broken lock. When it happens at your home, you may have no idea what to do. That is why we recommend keeping our emergency number handy at all times. We advise you not to try to repair a broken home lock because you may break your key or force it even further into the lock. Both of these situations will cause the lock and key to be impossible to use. Brandon FL Locksmith Store will be on our way as soon as we receive your call.

Lost Keys

Losing a key is another thing that no one ever plans to do. However, it has happened to almost everyone. When you reach in your pocket or purse and don't pull out a key, get a hold of Brandon FL Locksmith Store to immediately make you a new one. Your wait time will be minimal and our technician will complete the task within moments of arriving at your home. You will be back inside before you know it.

Emergency Lock Changes

People may need emergency lock changes when breaking off an abusive relationship or when they have other genuine concerns for their safety. If it's an emergency for you, it is for us as well. When Brandon FL Locksmith Store completes our work at your home, only those who you want to access it can do so. If you manage rental units, we can re-key multiple locks in a single appointment should the need arise.

At Brandon FL Locksmith Store, we understand that securing your home is of extreme importance. You just let us know which products and services you need and we will take it from there. We know that you have placed a great deal of trust in us and this is an honor that we don't take lightly. After all, your family and your personal property are at stake. When you need an experienced and competent locksmith in Brandon, FL, don't hesitate to contact us 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Brandon FL Locksmith Store Brandon, FL 813-344-5532